The Reconfigured Podcast Important Notes
You must agree on all the points provided here to proceed forward with the episode. To be honest I hate putting strict rules where I wish to have things in a cool and chill matter but sometimes things happen and these rules are here to protect your own image and ours. If you don't agree on one of them then kindly reach out stating a legit case on why a certain rule is not right and we will take that into consideration.
- You hereby agree that everything you have said on the podcast episode is true and represents you.
- Any company you affiliate with or represent is under your own responsibility. Incase you used to represent a company and issues occurred later on, neither the producer of the show nor "The Reconfigured Podcast" nor any affiliated services related to the producer are related to this matter and we won't take down any episode(s) that both of you and that affiliated company are related with.
- You hereby agree that this episode will be shared on all social media accounts that host "The Reconfigured Podcast" (The podcast is shared on my own public profile under the "Reconfigured" name which is the same on all social media under the username "reconfiguredco").
- You hereby agree that you don't mind episodes to be cut down into smaller bits like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts (and we promise that we won't cut things in certain ways that made you say something controversial or cut parts to make you say something else, this won't be ethical from our side and we acknowledge this).
- You hereby agree that we can refactor episodes into other episodes under specific themes (like a mental health episode where we gather all the mental health questions asked on the podcast and display them. We promise that we won't cut things in certain ways that made you say something controversial or cut parts to make you say something else, this won't be ethical from our side and we acknowledge this)
- [Optional] You can specify if you want to be tagged on affiliated social media accounts by replying to the email with your social media accounts otherwise we will post them as we normally do (tagging you on LinkedIn and Twitter if found and no tagging on other social media accounts).
- [Tech episodes related] You hereby agree that we can link your episode(s) into blog post(s) that talk about a topic discussed on the podcast episode. This is geared towards technical podcasts on the show where if a topic discussed on a certain episode and I have decided to write a technical blog post related to that topic then it will be linked in the blog post as a reference.
- You hereby agree that the episode published will be final and we won't take it down after it is published. We give you a window of 2-5 days (at max 7 days) before publishing the episode to remove or cut down specific things and we do our publishing on Fridays (you can ask for the video to be sent to you privately for inspections no questions asked, it is your right as a guest and contributor to ask for the material).
- You hereby agree that we can reuse the episode whether it is the full episode or clipped parts from it in our newsletter based on the content shared in the episode
- We (as "The Reconfigured Podcast" team) hereby agree that we do not aim to ruin your image nor ask questions to expose you on certain aspects. We send the questions beforehand for discussion and change so that we do not make things awkward from your side and spread knowledgable good to the public (which is what the aim of the podcast is).
- We (as "The Reconfigured Podcast" team) hereby agree that we won't sell your data (as in contact information or any information given) to any entity that might show interest if we got contacted by. We do not have any ideas on doing this neither now nor in the future because we value your privacy and security in a serious manner.
- We (as "The Reconfigured Podcast" team) hereby agree that every single episode created is registered under "The Reconfigured Podcast" and "Reconfigured" name
- We (as "The Reconfigured Podcast" team) hereby agree that if any issues resulted from both parties (which is yourself and our team) to be dealt with in private in a respectful manner, issuing copyright takedowns on YouTube and reporting on other mediums is wrong and won't make things better. (This falls under the "do not be a dick" rule).
- [Opt-in] We (as "The Reconfigured Podcast" team) might consider hosting you again on the podcast incase things well. This happens when the crowd liked our performance and want us to do another episode together or incase I came up with a topic or concept for an episode and you are the perfect person for that topic. (P.S. there are no limits to how many times this might happen but we follow a 3 time rule that if you rejected a feature 3 times then you will be removed from the list but you may ask to return back to the list anytime).
- [Opt-in] We (as "The Reconfigured Podcast" team) accept any contributions you wish to provide in the future like writing a blog post article but needed a platform to host it on